15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Sitting in the Physics lesson today (we doing the big bang and the end ofg the universe), we covered great theories about the universe...i was just wondering which one you belive to be true.

Option 1) CLOSED --> The universe started off as a point mass, and expanded faster than the speed of light in a split second (ie the big bang), is continueing to get bigger until finally the univers will get smaller and smaller under its own gravity and the universe will dissapear back to a point mass (the big crush) before re banging again when the entire universe re runs in exactly the way in our lifetime it we all do the same things every time we a re created

Option 2) CRITICAL MASS --> The universe after the big bang got bigger and bigger until it got bigger no more and it stays at that size for ever and ever and ever

Option 3) OPEN --> The universe just continues to grow bigger and bigger and bigger for infinity

I personally belive option 1...what do you think?

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

where does santa fit?

everyone knows santa is really fat and only fits in chimneys and his sled.

thats why you never see him in asda - no chimney.

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

jim bombadilmember
142 posts
Location: bristol

santas busy triping off deer piss

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Well you do have that whole St. Nick thing but the idea of Santa plays in heavily with that of the Christian faith. Do good and you will be rewarded with great, do bad and you will be rewarded with really bad (sorry couldnt think of another word )

When you think about it, coal was put in bad childrens stockings, coal keeps fires burning, perhaps that is in relation to Hell. Almost like telling the child that if they keep this up they will be burning in Hell.

*shrugs* Theorys are fun to play with.

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

musashiistarring Skippy the green llama
1,148 posts
Location: Seattle, WA

ahem, joost a thot on the evolution/darwin thingie..Lookit the horses feet 5000 years ago(little pointed 4 prong thingies), then lookit the horses feet now(big single round niblet thingie) Whaddya call that? Same animal...Oh, I see, they just wore different shoes back then..just checkin..

I agree with bender tho..

First intention, then enlightenment..
Ars Pyronomica

" Life is programmed. Whether death is programmed or not is yet to be determined."

musashiistarring Skippy the green llama
1,148 posts
Location: Seattle, WA

I see no one can counter the mighty horse foot argument...


First intention, then enlightenment..
Ars Pyronomica

" Life is programmed. Whether death is programmed or not is yet to be determined."

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Originally posted by coleman:
ps. chains - i've got a tenner on option 1. what odds are you offering...?
I'll take that bet if you like... option 3 is the only way to go. Especially now that they've found out that the accleration of the Universe is increasing rather than slowing... maybe Einstein's cosmological constant isn't zero after all?

"Moo," said the happy cow.

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Originally posted by Pink Poi:
My sensible answer: I believe that the universe is has, and always will exist. That there are probably many universes, and their reason for being is to complex for the human mind to understand.
Nah, the steady state theory has been discredited for years - unless someone can come up with a reason why all the evidence perfectly matches the predictions of the Big Bang theory then I think it's given that the Universe started at some point.

Of course if you're looking at multiple universes then there may be an infinite chain of those...

"Moo," said the happy cow.

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Here you go, a new option to consider - the "Big Rip"

"Moo," said the happy cow.

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

mainly for mind gap an in reference to posts 9, 13 and 20:
Faster than the Speed of Light

this is the theory you were referring to, published as a book that deals not just with the paper we were discussing but with the larger subject of the place of speculation in science.

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

fuk me that was random!

i looked at the top of the social THE UNITED CHAINS OF FIRE cariied on reading then went "huh?" cos i havent posted a new topic for ages...

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Quick update: it appears the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. Due to dark energy, which somehow acts like a negative gravity, the rate of expansion of the universe is increasing exponentially.

One prediction is an "end of the Universe as we know it" called the "Big Rip." Currently, the expansion of the universe due to dark energy is not even strong enough to break about loosely-bound gravitational systems. However, according to the "Big Rip" hypothesis, the importance of dark energy in the universe will grow until it becomes more powerful than, first, gravity (meaning that gravity would cease to exist as an important force in the Universe), and then electromagnetism, and then the strong and weak nuclear forces. In the end, all matter would be ripped into its individual subatomic particles, even into quarks, by the expansion of the universe. The universe, if it were survivable to human eyes, would appear dark, and essentially empty of all particles because they would simply be a vast, diffuse cloud rapidly dissipating into nothingness.

Good news is we have 50 Billion years to deal with this problem biggrin


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

WooktasticBRONZE Member
the kicker of elves
371 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

 Written by: Raymund Phule (Fireproof)

What I do know is that 2000 years ago lived a man who did things that science can not duplicate!

No. The new testament was collected up and written and compiled about two hundred years after Jesus died.
Ever played Chinese whispers? Imagine what happens when it goes on for TWO CENTURIES!
I don't deny Jesus existed, I don't deny he was a great man, I admire him.
But, as any historian knows, you have to take your source material with a pinch of salt and remember the context in which it was written.
It's probably not true about the loaves and the fishes same as it probably isn't true that Attila had an army of over a million at the battle of the catalaunian fields even though that's what the source material says.

And on the subject of evolution. You pass through every stage of evolution in the womb as you develop. There are stages in your development when you have gills and a tail. Not only are you descended froma fish, you WERE a fish. Hell, I still have two extra damn nipples because I didn't lose half of the extra ones you have in there.

Man is no more than a conduit for excrement to pass through.- daVinci

Jointly owned by BurdA and Tinypixie

Wielder of the voice of Patrick Stewart

jarleGOLD Member
Lv15 Ranger
1,489 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Fix the Big Rip with Duct Tape biggrin


faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

I thought there was a rubberband effect or something to stop the Big Rip...or maybe that was in a scifi novel...oh well

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

6,650 posts

Maybe we're already dipping into a gigantic (well) black hole and our Universe is sucked in to transform into a new one... Funny to note that individuals are (mentally/emotionally) moving away from each other, too and therefore we see the same behavior in mankind as in the Universe... (which I just had to say now) shrug

Why do discussions about the Universe always end up in some of the (established) religious philosophies?

*shakes fist against those who claim the heavens only for themselves*


the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Interestingly, the schwartzhchild radius for a universe with the critical density is precisely and mathematically equal to the size of the visible universe.

A schwartzhchild radius is the size into which a given amount of mass must be compressed to make it into a black hole. All masses have a schwartzchild radius, even humans, although you would have to compress an entire human body into a volume around the size of an atomic nucleus to make it into a black hole.

The critical density is the density by which the universe, given its present rate of expansion would expand infinitely, but it will ultimately expand so slowly as to have essentially come to a stop.

So, to summarize, a universe that has a density higher than the Critical Density will collapse back into a singularity and a universe that has a density lower than the Critical Density will grow very quickly in size and achieve a density so low as to be essentially empty. Our universe is very close to the Critical Density, within far less than one part in a trillion.

And here we have an interesting paradox. If the universe is of a size where it is exactly as big as its schwartzhchild radius, why doesn't it collapse into a black hole? Are we living inside of a black hole? Certainly nothing that we do can have an effect outside the visible Universe, which is what would find in a black hole.

So the entire universe may be a black hole.

Now, this was before the "Dark Energy" discovery. shrug


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

6,650 posts

"There is a mountain of theories, based upon a molehill of knowledge"... wink

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink


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