29 posts

what r ur opinions on learning poi in different ways... learning single moves on there own n practicing them 1 after the other again n again... or try linking them together in combo's. am wondering this cos i am learning combos so i have a range of different moves but am a lil messy on some.

would i improve n brush up the moves more doing them on there own ? weavesmiley

LazyAngelGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
2,895 posts
Location: Cambridge UK

well you could:
[Old link]
watch this
[Old link]
[Old link]
[Old link]

Because ActiveAngel sounds like a feminine deodorant

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PhilomelSILVER Member
39 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Perhaps you could try linking all of the things you know into one giant combo, and then spend quite a few beats on each move to practice them individually before transitioning into the next move. That way, you kill two birds with one stone, yay!

That's what I've been trying to do lately. My biggest difficulty has been finding a nice trick that I can use to change from swinging my poi in the same direction to swinging them in opposite directions - any ideas people? At this stage, I'm not a big fan of stills or wraps because I can't do them very smoothly, but I guess I'll just have to get used to them, hey?

You should also check out the thread titled 'non-Jedi inspiration' that LazyAngel linked. It's really interesting (but long!) and might change your perspective a bit.

GeoffonTour04SILVER Member
360 posts
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom

Practice doing the basic moves in all 4 directions turning left or right (ie weave - windmill - backwards weave & the butterfly equivalent) then work on timing & more intricate moves. This will give you a good basis to build from & you'll be able to turn & do something no matter what the poi are doing.

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