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614 posts

I thought i would start a thread for people interested in fire staff juggling,i am really interested to see any videos of people throwing two or more staffs,and in particular anyone taking it in new direction.
I am currently working on routines with two and three staffs and contemplating a serious attempt at the four staff shower,

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

not yet ubblol I'm coming on leaps and bounds but I know it's not show quality yet I 'm working on a routine that should be ready by end of this year start of next but mainly I'm trying different patterns to see what can be done.

I'll stick with 3 sticks but I need to work a little on consistancy as my spins aren't quite acurate enough yet, sometimes I can do 40 catches sometimes I manage 3. I need to be consistently good not just "in the right mood" but I'm getting pretty good at going from 2 staffs to a leg flick straight into a 3 staff cascade from a well positioned staff on the ground.

I want to work on my behind the back throw a bit and behind the back passing shower as I think you can go from 2 to 3 staffs with the leg flick quite easily there.

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

bastlGOLD Member
123 posts
Location: vienna / austria

 Written by: tim_marston

i really want my audience to have some understanding of the patterns i display,

for me crazy siteswaps and more visually complicated patterns just arent as entertaining,although i do feel a buzz knowing at some level the performer must have spent years perfecting such a pattern,...

for one i agree, that it is very important to give audience access to your trick/idea/move..but just because shower or backcrosses are easier to "think" about (as a juggler) it doesn´t mean, that some complex sideswaps are not easy accessable for an 531 (allright, not massivly complex;) ) but its a nice sideswap, and the pictures is awesome....3 objects in different hights, "freeze" for a moment in a straight line above the head of the juggler and than break down into something else...

or 6X4 -a wonderfull picture.."nobody understands", but the way this 2 towers building up and breaking down all the time..ubblove

i find 3 staff backcrosses don´t work "so well", as normal people watch the staffs in the air, not your hand behind your body...

i love complex figures, and the challenge to find any accesspoint for non-jugglers, to show them the faszinating idea behind it...but i guess your streetshow-crowd-research would be very good preperation for finding various most people played football - feet catches...

i would like to see your routine and give some feedback, i really like your way of progressing through feedback from street-crowds ..a big advantage to cooperate events...

and all meeting ideas sound good ; )

i am well up for performing under your name,

& you have to come vienna for some fentime anyway hug

_told the fishfable to wes peden
_heard gloria gaynors "i will survive" 3 times live the same 20 min performance!

ugoAgogoBRONZE Member
112 posts
Location: Brighton / Canterbury, United Kingdom

 Written by: tim_marston

fire toys are in the process of developing a fire juggling staff at the moment so keep an eye on their site for details,
try learing the shower in both directions to releive the strain on your shoulder,also work on building up strength and muscle mass to help you juggle without serious injury,

irinus my opinion on luke burrage is that he should juggle more and talk less,he seems to take pleasure in being rude to people and appears to love himself a bit too much for my liking,

fire toys is just round the corner from me so i may pop in and see what they have come up with,
I have been doing loats of stretches before doing anymore 3 staff stuff, and am starting to do Chi - Gung exercises everyday to try and do some good to my shoulder ( my right arm is the one i damaged, but when i was 6 i seriously broke and shattered my left arm, its fully healed now but there is a noticable difference between my planes on my left compaired to my right - i know this is the same with most people, but i want to get my left and right sides a bit more balanced)
loving the idea of 3 staffs at the moment, but am having just as much fun with staff on staff and crosses and am literaly soooooo close to getting the matrix down now.
oh, i met luke when i was studying in staffordshire, just practicing in the park, he was really nice and although he was showing us allot of tricks (which i thought were amazing), seemed really chilled and quite down to earth just having a practice in the park.
ive never seen him on stage tho.

*****whist im here anyone who juggles/spins in brighton, england get in contact with me!!! there is a severe shortage of spinners and performers meeting up regualy!!!!!****


ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. . . . . . . . . . . . . ZAP

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

try the beach or the level I know of about 4 different groups of spinners in brighton

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

ugoAgogoBRONZE Member
112 posts
Location: Brighton / Canterbury, United Kingdom

i spin on the level regually, there are peeps like Johnathan that i see from time to time,

have not been down the beach for spinning, but then the beach is pretty big!

Need to round up the troops!

ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. . . . . . . . . . . . . ZAP

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

I know there are a load of spinners on the poipoi forum from and around brighton as that's where they are based you could ask there, although it's a national site it seems quite local.

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

entheogenGOLD Member
173 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

I would be reallycareful stretching the shoulders before staff juggling ugoAgogo. In warming up its really important to get the blood flowing to the muscles. Making small and big circles with the arms, and doing things like pushups or just shrugging the shoulders in the pushup position are much more appropriate preperation for staff juggling. Although I stretch the wrist areas before juggling, I never stretch the shoulders. Any prolonged stretching actually makes the muscles weaker and more vulnerable immediatly after, and will actually increase the liklyhood of injury if you do something physically stressful like juggling stupidly heavy object. All intensive stretches should be done after the session. Then the muscles are good and tired and will give out the best results anyway.

'There are two mantras in life, yum and yuk. I choose yum.'

ugoAgogoBRONZE Member
112 posts
Location: Brighton / Canterbury, United Kingdom

entheogen, thanks for your concern! I am aware about intensive stretching, upper body wise i do this exercise before spinning, i find it helps, let me know what you think? . . .

hands together, towards the ground infornt of me
elevate hands upwards and take slow breath inwards untill hands are above my head, then slowly exhale and seperatre hands, which drop down by my sides 90 degrees adjacent to the angle they elevated in,
all in one smooth movement completley linked to the breathing,

Its not a intensive muscular exercise at all, but focus's mind and as you mentioned gets the blood flowing,
I usually start off with pois when i go practicing, and hold off doing flowers/antispins and full extension stuff till ready. then pic up the sticks,

ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. . . . . . . . . . . . . ZAP

614 posts

i agree that some siteswaps are very beautiful,i just havent seen many of them performerd cleanly with staffs yet,im sure it will come,

as for the corporate/street discussion,
i did an indoor solo routine performed to music but not strictly choroegraphed,i only dropped on one staff due to nerves and getting a bit slack with my single staff routines,sometimes its easier to perform the hard stuff than the easy?!?!?!
my choreography messed up a bit because ive got stops for applause built in and the crowd was 99 percent deaf,instead of clapping they wave their hands in the air,
this made me freak out and race thru my first two sections!!i sorted my self out for three staffs and finsished a big corporate variety show with two patterns on three(DROP FREE AND FAIRLY CLEAN)then some VERY fast single staff to a swipe out finish,
this was an amazing feeling
ive worked very hard on cleanliness and had to sacrfice the joy of learning new tricks to get rid of the drops,i see staff jugglers with loads of new tricks and its hard not to get jealous but when it all comes together and im getting paid good money to perform highly skilled juggling clean on stage indoors for corporate gigs,i know for me it was worth it,
its also great to have my fast single staff really appreciated,as far as im concerned its the most skillfull and the most impressive thing i do..i hope i can keep going in this direction,i hope to perform my routines on famous variety stages one day,

mynci i look forward to seeing how you get on,i think the foot flick into three is a great idea and will be a very powerful trick for performance good luck dude

ugo,if you go into firetoys speak to william and tell him you spoke to me about juggling staffs,ive been helping him out with some ideas and im sure he will be interested in other staff jugglers,especially if they may want to spend money on staffs!!!

im working on a few new videos and think its about time we had some vids on here to watch!!!!!any offers???

entheogenGOLD Member
173 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

Ugo what you described has my approval, though I cant stress enough to everyone out there yet again who really want to juggle three staffs to combine a general overall strength training program for the shoulders and arms. This will balance out the muscles and help impede future injuries.

'There are two mantras in life, yum and yuk. I choose yum.'

614 posts


614 posts

a film on injury prevention

EDITED_BY: tim_marston (1190408999)

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

I wonder if this thread should be in advanced? it's way beyond simple throws...

nice Vid Tim cheers

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

614 posts

hopefully one day all the tricks we are doing now will be considered beginner............................

bastlGOLD Member
123 posts
Location: vienna / austria

 Written by: tim_marston

hopefully one day all the tricks we are doing now will be considered beginner............................

no worries that will happen for sure wink
who is nowadays impressed by 5 club kaskade ? -it´s still bloody hard, but even 5 clubs backcrosses beginn to be "normal" wink
but there is never a way round the basics which we built, hähä

_told the fishfable to wes peden
_heard gloria gaynors "i will survive" 3 times live the same 20 min performance!

entheogenGOLD Member
173 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

Who considers a 5 club backcross to be 'normal'?

'There are two mantras in life, yum and yuk. I choose yum.'

614 posts

not me......but i know what he means,its not as amazing as it once was.

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

ahh the lost age of wonder wink so who holds the world record for staff juggling then? has anyone done 5 yet? I haven't seen anything on the IJDB regarding the subject yet...

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

bastlGOLD Member
123 posts
Location: vienna / austria

 Written by: tim_marston

not me......but i know what he means,its not as amazing as it once was.

right tim, basicly what i meant, and no i don´t think either that 5 club backcross is is just weired, when i learned a 2 staff shower from antti is was hard and so impressive (for me and others), nowadays it still has some coordinative dificulties to learn, but it doesn´t seem anymore as so hard & impressive, as the most people are aware of 3, 4 staff shower...

so there are some trick which still keep the magic for audience and jugglers, but some just seem to get "normal"...
what differences this tricks from each other, and who can think about a magic-keeper in the moment ?
sorry-sleepy-good night

_told the fishfable to wes peden
_heard gloria gaynors "i will survive" 3 times live the same 20 min performance!

614 posts

I know crowds will always like the two staff shower,
home crowds of mine still clap at my two staff shower tricks even tho they have seen me do three and four(badly).Feedback is they like the fact its getting cleaner and faster (on the very small shower.)
its also how you deliver the trick as well i geuss.

as for other jugglers/fire people myself included I do think we become immune to tricks ,
for example once over to see the three staff shower for a few catches was amazing now i tend to watch for unessecary body movement,control of spins etc and am rarely impressed with the three staff shower,even though i know how hard it is!!!!
an old juggling friend of mine once said its easy to impress other jugglers by learning or creating newer tricks or bigger numbers,and its a great way to gain instant recognition amongst your peers but to be able to deliver these tricks to a crowd properly is different matter and wont nessecarily give you the same respect from your peers.
i think its a fair point

glennerooprofessional loser
140 posts
Location: Wien

oh come on Bastl, those tricks are only normal to spinners who have already seen these tricks, but the most important audience are the ones who don't know anything about spinning, and so even the easiest of tricks can look amazing, if done right. Its about QUALITY and not QUANTITY... sure you'll surely impress everyone on Home of Poi with 8 staffs, and i'm sure you'll impress ANY audience with 8 staffs, but you can just as easily still HIGHLY impress 99% of a "regular" audience (i.e. people that pay you, unlike us poor hippies) with a 1, 2, 3, or 40 staff show, it depends on content and not how many or if it's back-cross or whatever... it's only "normal" or approaching boring for spinners because they've seen it 1000 times.

If you want to have a show that impresses EVERYBODY, good luck, as i think most of the good tricks that work for spinners don't work as nicely on a regular audience, as the non-spinners have NO idea what you are doing, they just see circles and staffs flying through the air and get lost after you do a cascade... and vice-versa, if you do a simple show with things like "normal" back-crosses that impresses your audience so well that they all give you their first-born children, you'll most likely have a tent full of sleeping spinners waiting for your show to start.

not always so, but as one who spends 99% of his time photographing spinners instead of learning from them (my own folly) i notice that there are usually 2 categories of tricks - for non-spinners and for spinners and i'd guess maybe 25% of them cross over to both sides...


614 posts

i agree with some of what you say but not all of it,
some performers gain respect from both the general public and their peers,victor kee stands out for me as a performers who is both easy to watch and technically brilliant,
another example is the late great bobbby may who was (imho) one of the most entertaining jugglers ever and one of the most skilled,(I FOOKING LOVE BOBBY MAY)
however because im human i will never be as good as them so i choose to entertain the public because they pay more than other spinners redface
and because i believe its a lot harder and therefore somehow more worthwhile!??!?!?!?
im drunk beerchug ubbloco beerchug kiss kiss kiss

614 posts

awesome skills,could it be meast in a bear suit??

JohnnyFettuciniBRONZE Member
Mr Pasta
44 posts
Location: Sweden

finally nailed the 6 staff shower smile I do them multiplexed to relive som strain on my long gone arm.

Hope all is well with you all and really enjoyed that bear video!

bastlGOLD Member
123 posts
Location: vienna / austria

 Written by: JohnnyFettucini

finally nailed the 6 staff shower smile I do them multiplexed to relive som strain on my long gone arm.

respect ubbloco
flash or qualify ?
how did you manage to catch down a multiplex staff throw in order to repeat the pattern ?

_told the fishfable to wes peden
_heard gloria gaynors "i will survive" 3 times live the same 20 min performance!

JohnnyFettuciniBRONZE Member
Mr Pasta
44 posts
Location: Sweden

flash dude smile

I've managed to catch them in a kind of strange arm position, almost the same angel your arm would be in if your holding a little baby rolleyes or I try to throw them so they rotate really close to each other. Hope that makes some sence in trying to explain wink

It's easier to do a 5 (Penta) multiplex shower and make it qualify as the first throw is a "single" and you would have a better chance at throwing it again.

I'll try to get my hands on a camera and shoot some of this!

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

catch into a triple cross would be sweet wink

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

entheogenGOLD Member
173 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany


i finally ( after 2days of practice)
nailed the 9 staff cascade !

i so have it

well i think
this thread is gone to [censored]

'There are two mantras in life, yum and yuk. I choose yum.'

bastlGOLD Member
123 posts
Location: vienna / austria

ubblol ubblol ubblol
ey josh, haha love you

-you know there are always several ways of nailing wink

and it´s good when somebody attempts and barely gets it,
but it has nothing todo with your approach, which is even better hug

and yeah i would love to see a vid of it, cause i still don´t understand the way to repeat a multiplexthrow

_told the fishfable to wes peden
_heard gloria gaynors "i will survive" 3 times live the same 20 min performance!

JohnnyFettuciniBRONZE Member
Mr Pasta
44 posts
Location: Sweden

I don't see what a video of the damn thing is going to do when it clearly isn't appreciated, at least not by benstix who seems to have lost his staffs up his a** or something. It's sad dude this thread has gone to censored

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