Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > Ryan Mellors Contact Juggling and Manipulation workshop, Vienna

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DavidJNolanPrecision instrument of speed and aromatics
240 posts
Location: Vienna

Ryan Mellors, Canadian isolations expert and world-class performer, will be teaching a Contact Juggling and Manipulation workshop in Vienna on May 16th:

What is manipulation? How can we tell if an object is isolated, and how do we correct our technique? How can we build more complicated illusions? And how can we use these techniques in our performances?

This one day intensive workshop is aimed at all levels of jugglers/circus performers interested in developing new material with a single prop. Through group work and individual skill-building, Ryan Mellors (Canada / England) will lead exercises in movement and manipulation, assisting the students in developing new material and giving them a basic foundation in movement techniques such as mime, bodypopping, liquid and other illusional movement styles.
Contact Juggling techniques will be taught with 1 ball and this will serve as the basis for a lot of the exercises, but students will be encouraged to move beyond the ball and integrate their own props into much of the workshop. Jugglers of all skill levels and dancers are invited to attend, and they are encouraged to bring whatever props they wish to develop material with.

This is a unique opportunity for any jugglers/dancers/performers interested in developing illusion and manipulation techniques. Ryan Mellors is an internationally renowned expert in this field and will be offering this extraordinary workshop for ONE DAY ONLY.
For information about Ryan Mellors and his advanced isolations techniques, visit
To see a video of Ryan in action, demonstrating some of the techniques which will be taught in the workshop, click the link below:

Entrance to the workshop costs €25 (all money goes directly to Ryan). Please note, there are a limited number of places available for this workshop. If you wish to participate, you must pre-register and pay in advance. This will be a first-come, first-served basis, so get your registrations in quickly to ensure your place. For registration or further information please email

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