SezzieSILVER Member
54 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

Hey All

Haven't been on the site in a while and have just moved again so thought I'd re-introduce myself. I'm Sarah aka sezzie aka Essex - take your pic. I've been away from Bristol for about 3 years, I travelled for a while in South East Asia and Peru and lived in London for a year. I've just got back and am keen to get to know some local spinners as I discovered poi on my travels and love it.

I'm 36 although I'm trying hard to forget that fact. I earn my money in HR but my goal is to make a success of the disaster relief organisation I'm setting up so that eventually I can be paid for my work there. I've got the volunteering bug and have spent 6 months in both Peru and Thailand doing construction and want to do a whole lot more.

I started spinning poi in Thailand and have done fire a few times, trouble is I've no patience and find practising on my own really hard. It would be really great to meet some of the Bristol to poi community, for spin meets and drinks or whatever.

Lotsa love xx

Life moves pretty fast and if you don't stop and look around once in a while you just might miss it!

hamamelisBRONZE Member
756 posts
Location: Bouncing off the walls., England (UK)


Well, there's a lot going on here in Bristol- there's a regular juggling meet on monday (Horfield church hall, corner of Muller Rd and Downend Rd, 8pm) which generally features a few friendly spinners and tea, then winds up in the pub.

Or there's a tuesday night meet up in the centre, as well as the sunday/thursday one at the uni during term time. No fire meets at the moment, but check out the Bristol Fire thread in the events performances and Gatherings section, there's probably more info in there somewhere...

Hope you make it down to one soon! hug


If that's okay with you?

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