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Hey guys, I am starting my poi out and I have a few tricks in my arsenal already (weaves, butterfly, a few flowers, corkscrew) but I was just wondering; in doing a performance, what are things you can do to keep the audiences interest. I would like to be able to keep things spiced up and was hoping to get some outside options since I live in a town where no one else does something like this. Thanks!

TrailZLet all flow be with you, and the passion and love surround you.
1 post
Location: Melbourne, Fl

change your speed and always stay unpredioctable

Andrew Allaire

nupoCarpal \'Tunnel
9,576 posts


beaniebobGOLD Member
casually noob tech poi spinrar
155 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Use movements and body tracers. Incorporate your poi with movement, dance and epic gracefulness and you will slay everyone even if all you can do is spin your poi.

"If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error."

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

What kind of poi are you using? It is amazing to see how the audience reacts differently to various types of poi.

I would suggest some form of LED poi. Fire is great, but cannot be done indoors in most places. Also LED poi often have many different modes. By switching modes (say between songs if you are spinning to music), you will really keep the audiences attention.

I have used Flowtoys crystal poi, flow poi, club poi, and now most recently podpoi. The podpoi are incredible. Perfectly weighted, USB rechargeable, Eco friendly, and soft. Besides, they have over 40 modes, many of which are adjustable, all accessed by a single button. Pod poi make orbitals a breeze.

I bought mine on the 18th of November, but they say that there will be another shipment available early this month, so if you want them, they should be available soon.

One quick note: Although they may seem a little expensive at first, they are actually quite inexpensive for what you get. Besides with podpoi, you don't have to by batteries and a charger.

Peace and Light

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

beaniebobGOLD Member
casually noob tech poi spinrar
155 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Three words. Disco Ball Poi. grin

It has been done, but the photo is a private one.

"If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error."

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

Hey guys, just thought I'd let you know. Podpoi are now available on

Peace and Light

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

Daisy zhustranger
4 posts

I think costumes is also very important, as a iceskater, I always need to change different costume in different performance, did you heard Wrecking Crew Orchestra, an JAPANESE TRON DANCER team, they are well known because their special performance EL Wire costumes, and I just got one from MGSFX, it is really amazing after dress and in performance.
EDITED_BY: Daisy zhu (1357820696)

5 posts
Location: New York

No doubt costumes are really important.In addition change is very vital and we all should accept the change and innovation.Its good for evolution process.

Zephyre PhoenixFamiliar stranger giving out popcorn. (formerly Ascilith)
1,264 posts
Location: Lawrence, KS

Transitions, transitions, transitions... More and more transititons,then transition into the transitions!

It's awesome to know moves, but it's even better to know the best ways to effortlessly go between each move. It adds to your unpredictability and allows your expression to be less limited by what you know.

Your poi don't always need to be circling, pendulums and stalls are some of your best friends. And moving between same time and butterfly motions is great.

MOST OF ALL!!! have fun with it. If you want to be interesting, move because you're passionate about it and because the music moves you. Don't move just because you're trying to impress people, or because you really want to show your new antispin atomic butterfly four-beat stall weave to someone. Much of the time, your audience won't be able to fully appreciate the really interesting tech.

Never take candy from strangers...... But popcorn is okay!

MidkiffBRONZE Member
shadow stranger
462 posts
Location: Carmi, Illinois, USA

facial expression is a good way to keep a crowds attention as well smile look happy have fun!

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus

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