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John Netterwaldstranger 4 posts Location: USA!! (NY, CA, TX)
Posted: Greetings, I'm a transplant from Texas very eager to get back into the fire spinning and poi scene. In texas poi and fire performers were very tribal and if I'm not mistaken are tribal in many other places in the world. If possible please contact me regarding common stomping grounds and good fire friendly places to practice. I'm located both in Monmouth Beach NJ as well as Wallempaupack (Scranton Area) Pennsylvania.... I bounce back and forth between the two... but am planning on attending Penn State.
So if your out there... and know some people and feel like dragging a new guy out to party then send me an email or message please. I'm sure I have some interesting insight to provide if nothing else. I also can be of great assistance teaching... (hopefully my old TCOF buddys can attest to that! )
Posted: I wish I lived in NJ or Pennsylvania so I could go spin with Mr. John Netterwald, but I don't. I used to spin with him and he would be a good source if you wanted to double your score.
The only people who count are the people who care.
MikeIconGOLD Member Pooh-Bah 2,109 posts Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA
Posted: I live in PA but unfortunately quite far from where you are. Im right outside Philly. About 10 minutes from both Philly and Trenton. Coincidentally I have a vacation house 2 minutes from Lake Wallempaupack but I rarely go there anymore. Send me a PM if ya would like to talk anyway as I am also alone when it comes to spinning.
Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes. We'll blaze a new trail, and torch the rough patches.
Wish there were some Poi peeps near my area back in Texas. I think I am the only one in the 940 area code
RISK: Do not follow the common path; Go where there is no path and leave a trail.
John Netterwaldstranger 4 posts Location: USA!! (NY, CA, TX)
Posted: I was in the Austin Area mostly. Check out www.Tcof.org to see our old crew
There are many many more now spinning there. Amazing tribe.
I'm John.N in the members area.
ferrezSILVER Member stranger 4 posts Location: new jersey, USA
Posted: Hey guys. I actually live inbetween the shore and philly. I usually find myself spinning my poi where ever i go and never find anyone who appreciates it like john said. If you wanna meet up sometime that'd be cool. You can catch me online most of the time but if not im on AIM.
AIM- xXFerrezXx
enjoichris0275SILVER Member stranger 1 post Location: USA
Posted: i live in aston/ chester are and was planning on attending a few electronic event to find poi spinners, but i would like to get more into the jam band area of poi, anyone know of any good festivals comin up
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