74 posts
Location: Asheville, NC

"sometimes it's the easiest things that elude us." or me at least. *raises hand* i have a silly question.i'm developing a decent (at least i think so :P ) amount of moves i can go through [somewhat] fluently...but here's where i get stumped. i want to start getting out into the public, but have no idea on how to put together a routine of any kind. normally i practice in silence, and the only time anything falls together is with music. that's always been when nobody's watching (i'm a touch shy), and it's all impromptu...like the music tells me what to do. if i plan on spinning in front of anyone, i thought i should have some method of organization as to what follows what in case of "stage fright", but i don't want to be lame and copy others' styles. any advice?------------------"life begins between the night and the light."

life begins between the night and the light.

NaganootchAKA CLERIC
172 posts
Location: Staten Island , NY. USA

Do what ever makes you happy."If you worry about everyone else all the time you'll never be happy."When you go out in public you just gotta do what ever you feel comfortable with. Cause not matter how good or bad you are your always gonna run into haters who'll say you suck even though they themselves have never tried any of this themselves.Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Just cause you might take something someone else does doesn't mean your lame. It compliments that person, and i'm sure you won't do the move or combo the same exact way so it'll be a personal thing for you cause you do it different, and you'll wind up adding your own little touch to it.

We are defined by the choices we make

74 posts
Location: Asheville, NC

that makes sense. hmm...in that case, i hope you like obsene amounts of flattery, xaeda. grini guess my main problem is i'm agoraphobic (fear of crowds) and i just freeze. same problem that has kept me off of many a dance floor, regardless of whether i was interesting in dancing or not. i guess i want to be completely original...but rarely is that ever possible anymore...too much history, too much already done. (but i can dream, can't i?) maybe i'll start talking to my sister (ballet) and some friends in other dance mediums (theatre department, here i come!) about forming a skeleton structure for my own arrangement. then again...i don't know how good this idea is....you're right, though. i guess i just have to start walking towards the (proverbial) stage, and by the time i'm doubting, i'm already there, it's too late to turn back. the show must go on. *gulp* grin------------------"life begins between the night and the light."

life begins between the night and the light.

125 posts
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada

If you learn to trance yourself.. you can start with real simple moves and "zone" into it, until you get to the point where its just you and the staff (even though now I sound like Im in a bad movie). But seriously, if you really can get into whatever you are doing, your fear will dissolve.Dont know if you can do this like I can, but maybe its worth a shot. *shrugs**anybody have any clue what Im talking about.. I dont really know how to explain it well*------------------May the fire of God burn its impression on your heart.

May the fire of God burn its impression on your heart.

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Are we talking fire here or just normal staff spinning?I suggest going to a park or somewhere near and practicing in front of others. If you don't like it, or if it's boring, just stop, have a rest and start up again.As to overcoming fears, the only thing is to get out and do it, but start small, like the practice above.Another option (if possible) is to find a group of others and spin with them in public before going out on your own.The first suggestion may even help you find others, most of my spinning buddies have approached me when I'm busking or practicing...good luck, just do what feels right...------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.comhttps://juggling.co.nz

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

74 posts
Location: Asheville, NC

fire or standard? either/or/both.*gulp* sounds like as soon as i get kevlar, i'm going out into the world.this is cute...i thought i'd share it. it's posted on my front door on the inside."it's scary...there are humans out there! there's fireflies too...hmm...back door!" grini'll probably start with friends...hopefully they won't shoot me down too harshly. hey...they may even put me out if i light myself. (don't worry...i use spotters. crazy doesn't mean stupid.) smilei'm not worried about getting bored with staff...i enjoy it too much. i'm just worried about boring whatever audience might gather to either [hopefully] watch or poke fun at. feh...who cares what they think, eh? this is for me...yeah.... *determined now, but nervous nonetheless*------------------"life begins between the night and the light."

life begins between the night and the light.

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

You have to remember that no matter what you're doing there is always going to be some one better than you and a whole crap load of people who are worse than you. Then there are always the "Haters" who will give you crap no matter what you do weather it's good or not. If you are planning to listen to these people then you may as well lock your self in your room now and never ever come out. If you do what you do because it's what you love to do, then that is all that matters, and you don't have to worry about what ANYBODY thinks. If you do what you do because every one else thinks it's cool then give it up now and go find what you love doing.As for working out a routine: Borrow or steal a video camera and tape your self doing your thing to music or what ever makes it come together for you. Go back and watch yourself on tape so you can stitch together all the parts you like and fix all the parts that you don't like. This way you can be more confident and aware of how your performance looks. I practice constantly in front of my friends sliding glass door at night so that I can watch myself go through the paces.

Jesus helps me trick people.

74 posts
Location: Asheville, NC

i'm well aware that i'm not the best. to say so would be arrogant, egotistical, and hypocritical. i can make a piece of wood move in circles. woo. rolleyesthe trick is making the spinning both meaningful and enjoyable to me, while at the same time being worth watching for others. The reason i want to go public with spinning is so i can share something i hold as special to me with others. whether they appreciate it or not is out of my hands and not worth the effort of worrying about. smilei like the vid idea. that might be worthwhile, both for training purposes and as another medium of artistic expression. hey...maybe HoP might have mercy on me and put a vid here! grin but first, i'd need the equipment. off to look up how on earth to get something into .mpg format. i'm really trying to stay away from the monkey-see-monkey-do approach: this is borderlining religious for me (the shamanic meditation aspect, not the spinning or dancing itself) and i don't want to copy anyone else on purpose. call me a loon, but it feels like i'm cheating on the personal experience if i mimic others' routines. (disclaimer: this is just my own take on the situation...even my friends say i'm overly sentimental.)this is great!! where would i be without this place? keep it coming! [image]https://www.homeofpoi.com/ubb/images/icons/wink.gif">------------------[/image][This message has been edited by Teine (edited 08 December 2001).]

life begins between the night and the light.

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

I meant my last post to be nothing but helpful, so I hope you didn't take the first part as an attack. I just reread it and it sounded kind of stuck up, sorry 'bout that. I mostly meant that no matter how bad you are there is probobly someone worse so you shouldn't stress about what other people think.Glad to hear you're not out to rip anyone off though, too many stars, not enough sky, and every one wants to shine. glad you liked the vid idea, I hope it helps.

Jesus helps me trick people.

74 posts
Location: Asheville, NC

mew...i fear i've botched and made foes of those i admire. (namely, the whole HoP) frownCantus: if that was for me, i sincerely apologize to all if i've caused any offence. i guess i just get wrapped up in my enthusiasm. i suck and i know it...shoot, i've only been working towards fire for a few weeks. (the cuts on my legs from bad attempts at between-the-legs stuff prove it.) there's a big difference between quarterstaff and firestaff...mainly how much of the staff your hands touch. smileSickpuPpy: no worries. wink i think we both misunderstood each other. i wasn't being defensive...i was agreeing. (semester's almost over...too many formal papers.) yeah, i spin for the joy of spinning...but i have stage fright beyond reason. blush i thought if i could get a pre-planned routine together, it would be a matter of following what the hands have been trained to do. then later, for myself, i could impromptu spin and not have to worry if i'm losing the interest of the crowd. i hope this helps in understanding my odd way of thinking, and doesn't sound like i'm rambling. confused------------------"life begins between the night and the light."

life begins between the night and the light.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,966 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

No, no Teine. It wasn't aimed at you. It was one of my little jokes aimed at Charles and some of the others but it could've been misconstrued (and it evidently was) so I deleted it Before too much ill feeling ensued.As to the rest don't worry about it. I'm not particularly good either (a point which Tempest will soom be able to confirm) I just talk big.I can't do half the stuff some of these guys say they can do. But what i can do I do with a degree of form and fluidity.That said there's probably stuff I can do that some of them can't. I can live in hope anyway. grin grin grinOh by the way, my first public performance I was scared witless. I could only remember about 3 moves and I dropped the staff loads.I was better with my doubles though. But, that was mainly because I could rest safe in the knowledge that absolutely no one else there could do them.And i don't drop them as much because I don't do as much light stuff with them - fingerspins/palm spins etc.


74 posts
Location: Asheville, NC

*breathes sigh of relief* "oh, waiter! can i have some barbecue sauce with my foot?"you don't talk big, you speak with confidence. smile as for me, i may (think i) type eloquently, but don't let it fool ya. i'll get the nack of social interaction one of these days. *smiles with optimism*ya'll are great...when i get my kevlar, i'm going for it! ----------"I had no idea it was a firespinning AND contortionist show! It must have taken months of practice to remove a burning shirt without having to stop spinning the way he did." ~fictitious audience member shocked grin shocked------------------"life begins between the night and the light."

life begins between the night and the light.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,966 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

We're fresh out of barbecue sauce but Chef says he'll do you extra salad....[This message has been edited by Cantus (edited 09 December 2001).]


42 posts
Location: Lubbock,TX

as for fear in front of people, if you have the space close your eyes :-) its actually pretty easy and fun while twirling, it seems as if you can get even more into the movements of your hands and develop a really smooth relaxed swing

If you had a friend that was a tightrope walker, and you were walking down the street and he just fell over......that would be unacceptable.

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

Tonight is to be my first major performance in front of a large group of people. I've spun in front of people before, but not this many. It's also an open call for all the area fire dancers, so I 'm spinning in front of people who want to judge me and out do me. Needless to say, I'm a little nervous. I have a plan though, I'm gonna put back a few beers and and a glass or two of good ol' Irish courage. That always helped back in the days when I had a band going.

Jesus helps me trick people.

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

How did the performance go...*waits with baited breath*baited breath = fishy breathbated breath = not breathing out yet------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.comhttps://juggling.co.nz

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

tjoniBRONZE Member
116 posts
Location: Freemantle, Western Australia

If you want to personalise your twirling style, why not incorporate some dance moves into your routine? African dance can be great to add movement, and you can make very simple twirling techniques look totally different just by the way you move with them.As for performing in front of others-I have found there are two types of audience : other twirlers (in gatherings) who in my experience have been totally cool and either complemented my style or helped me to do better-I've always found them non-judgemental and felt I haven't had to prove myself infront of them.....And the other audience are those who have never played with fire so they'll be amazed by anything you put in front of them.Either way the main thing is ENJOY!![This message has been edited by tjoni (edited 30 January 2002).]

I'm out of my mind...but you can leave a message

If you remain calm while all around you is collapsing...possibly you are missing something

RonopotamusGOLD Member
412 posts
Location: Ireland, but floating around at the moment...

What I've found when twirling in front of people (I haven't done a big crowd yet) is that most people are impressed with the easiest moves. Just the look of the fire and the movement of shadows on the performer seems to amaze them. smileMaybe that's just over here in Ireland...but I really doubt it.Good luck with your performance.later laterRónan

Don't bolt your door with a boiled carrot...

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