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"I just nailed the reverse mexican wave last night and found out that it looks quite good if you go into it by doing the reverse butterfly (or giant) and go into it but i cannot get out ..."
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"Hey, I'm trying to gather info to make my first set of cathedral fold fire wicks but I'm having a bit of a problem. Weight obviously makes a really big difference, but I'm having a real..."
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"im not sure if its just me, but i have blisters on my fingers from thinking that its the way i hold the strings or maybe coz theyre shoe laces. well, anyway, is there any..."
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"Having broken another couple of swivels, I'm looking to replace the swivels on my practise poi (again ).Since the swivels on the electroglo and pure flame poi sets are ones I know w..."
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"does anybody know how tomake different fuel flash ans spark or turn color?"
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Views: 3,527    Replies: 6
"I need to practice more with my actual wicks as the weight and feel is different enough from my practice poi that I always have to get RE-used to them when I light up.What sorts of cove..."
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Views: 2,762    Replies: 6
"I recently bought a pair of Pois, after trying for a while with a friends.However, my Poi smokes alot when they burn, and I don´t know why.I use Lamp Oil as fuel.Have I missed some imp..."
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"If you have had experience with Fire water could you let me knowhow you found it. I am currently using shellite or kero but I am always looking at different options.Crimson "
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"Kinda confused about what a wrap is or am i being stupid, is it just generally wrapping the chain around any part of the body. What moves can go into a wrap etc etc, cheers for any help..."
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Views: 2,387    Replies: 1
"Is it possible to do a reverse fountain, i.e. a windmill in the middle of a reverse weave? I've been trying it out and I think it should be possible to pull off with a slight change of ..."
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Views: 2,309    Replies: 3
"i just started this poi thing. on the videos it looks like the girl is holding her arms right at her side when holding her forearms up. but when i do this the glow sticks start angling ..."
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Views: 2,247    Replies: 1
"how can I send someone a personal message? I know the name of the person I want to write to I just don´t know how"
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Views: 2,292    Replies: 2
"im trying to learn the reverse weave and ive done searches of the other posts on the reverse weave and i didnt see anything that could help me...anyway, i can do a few beats but when i ..."
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Views: 2,989    Replies: 5
"Ok this might be dumb but I'll go for it anyway. I have only been twirling a week or so and I'm doing a workshop on the weekend and I am going to light up. Its the purpose of the work..."
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Views: 2,050    Replies: 1
"Now we all lust about the creation of coloured flames...ive heard of ppl using boric acid and etc. K now i was wondering what chemical do i add to my fuel to get a GREEN flame and how m..."
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Views: 2,374    Replies: 4
"Hey - I put a note on the Events board - don't know what else to do - anyone know any European boards? This is very last minute but any info or link up would be appreciated - for weddin..."
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Views: 2,278    Replies: 7
"I've been playing with practice poi for a while and I want to start fire. So, in looking for a fire set, I have come across a lot of talk about different fuels. I'm a bit confused. What..."
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Views: 4,420    Replies: 12
"I hear people say that firetwirlers use a special fuel that gives off a cold flame that doesn't burn. Where can I get some? Is it safe to breathe with? Help. ..."
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Views: 2,161    Replies: 2
"Well I neen help in finding really good music. I need fast beats and great sounds. Anything would help. Any rave,trance,house,ect. Name and song pleasety lilraverboy We live as we dr..."
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Views: 2,888    Replies: 5
"Wow. stupid ickle me forgot a direction again lol. Ok, so i'm doing a 360 rotor in front, and i turn so the rotor is behind my back (mind the stfaff hasn't actually moved.) But I can on..."
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Views: 2,418    Replies: 9
"can sum1 please help me with my btb weave/chase ... ive looked at the pictures , and read the tips but it just aint working ! ...... how about some step by step instructions, or hand pl..."
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"Learning how to twirl poi's but no luck. Can somebody help me in brisbane, prefer northside but southside is ok."
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"How do you make uv reactive clothes? I heard bleaching works but what about colored clothing. Like orange or red? Help! "
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"hey guys, im new here. just wondering if anyone can help me . im looking for somewhere to buy cheap wick. its so goddamn expensive! if anyones got any ideas, please give me a hand.cheer..."
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" My neighbor is from New Zealand and she got me started doing pois but mine are homemade and not very good where could I get pois that are close to Vancouver. "
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"pretty new to this whole poi thingbut fairly good stringerjust wanted to know like whats the base rate to get a performer thats half assed decent to come to a show ... "
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Views: 3,068    Replies: 5
"i didnt really know where to put this, buti guess this is as gooder place as any.I've noticed that on this site there is allot of confusing thread space used up with threads with questi..."
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"i'd like to enter the photo contest but i cant get any other HoP'ers to sponsor me because i dont personally know anyone from this board..!!what do i do? scan a photo ID too?"
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Views: 2,508    Replies: 2
"I've decided that I'm getting myself a pair of electroglo poi for my birthday (which was yesterday, so I'm already a bit late ), but I'm not too keen on the handles (since I prefer..."
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"Hi,As someone who saw some brilliant poi stuff at Glastonbury this year and made the usual impulse buy of a practice set , I was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a..."
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"ive been having a lot of trouble with this...i used the lesson on this site, but i still havent been able to get the alt butterfly down...does anyone have any tips that might help? on ..."
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"There now that i've got your attention erm someone is trying to contact me on private message and i don't know how to open it anyone help? please? anyone?'I'll be able to do it when the..."
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Views: 2,086    Replies: 3
"I want to buy some electroglor poi, but they give you options of what length you want. Is this like with beginner poi where it has to be according to your arm length? Or is it just pe..."
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"i'm taking a plane tomorrow and am taking my brand new (and 1st) staff *feeling chuffed* whats the best way to protect it while travelling?...bearing in mind i dont have much choi..."
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"I Keep hearing about these 2 people moves, but can't find info on any of them! Please post any that u know with instructions on how 2 do them! I appreciate anybody's help. "
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"are the best? I've got home made ones. Are they oke for learning?"
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"I am using kerosene and a little white gas but the flame seems to be very dull is there something that will make the flame brighter?Thank YouKERRI"
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"on saturday i'm going to greece (yay )i don't know whether i'll be able to light my toys there, but i suddenly had a vision of little me in a greek minimarkt trying to read the greek..."
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"is it possible to do any tricks with one going forwards and one backwards i can kinda do a weavy thingy, and can 8 poi be done or even 4 in weave?Scars are tatoos for the brave (i know ..."
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"hello...hello.... i have developed an interest in meteors and i was wondering if there was anybody out there who would please be able to give me advice, tips or any information on them...."
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"To anyone out there wanting to know tricks, moves, proper techniques, etc, or needs any Q's answered about it, just ask me, the Staff Master"
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"I was just looking through my parent's house supplies and I came across some anti-freeze.Looking for the ingredients, all it says is "Contains Methyl Alchohol and detergent"Now, knowing..."
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"Hellooo How are you today...... I have been teaching myself to fire twirl for about 6 months now but I still dont know exactly what oil to use. I have been using smelly citroneella lamp..."
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"i need some help on how to take pictures of glow sticks and i also wanted to know if the pratice poi that glow under UV light has the same effect as the glow stick when takeing pictures"
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"hey hippies far and wide !my names lydia and i was wondering if there is n e one around the age of "can not get into the bars yet!" who lives in nz (wellington) and wants to do jambe ..."
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"I have just started learning how to use double staffs, and I was wondering if anyoine has any pointers. I cut myself a pair of extra long ones....4 feet each (I am 6'4", so I have the w..."
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"Does anyone know of any places in Portland, OR to buy practice the light up ball with the LED lights in it...Stuff like that?Rachel"
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"I live in a haven for pretentious fire dancersI have just starting poi and although there is a fairly large population of dancers here they are all to up themselves to share their knowl..."
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"hey hippies far and wide !my names lydia and i was wondering if there is n e one around the age of "can not get into the bars yet!" who lives in nz (wellington) and wants to do jambe ..."
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"Hey, anyone have some random tips for somebody new at poi? Anything works. "
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