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614 posts

I thought i would start a thread for people interested in fire staff juggling,i am really interested to see any videos of people throwing two or more staffs,and in particular anyone taking it in new direction.
I am currently working on routines with two and three staffs and contemplating a serious attempt at the four staff shower,

bastlGOLD Member
123 posts
Location: vienna / austria

hey easy guys
there are just different approaches to the same topic.

as i know josh, for him "nailed" means trained the trick forever, and be able to repeat certain numbers of sets drop free.
this is something different than what you (JohnnyFettucini) did, you finaly managed to flash a 6 staff pattern once, which is absolutly great.

there is a gap between some people training tricks for stage and other for progressing the possibilites in staff throwing. for me both are important, and worth respecting.

it´s a bit sad, that a small word like "nailed" pisses off 2 staff juggler, when there so few in euorpe.

anyway, i am still very interested to see what you have achived. its bloody 6 staffs!

_told the fishfable to wes peden
_heard gloria gaynors "i will survive" 3 times live the same 20 min performance!

entheogenGOLD Member
173 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

OK dude
you wanna start this

there we go..lets go mad

the first thing you wrote was you nailed the 6 staff shower..........

do me favor and think a second , how that sounds
you´r not speaking to some hippie newbie thats gone be amazed by everything what anybody writes

i hang out every in the juggling scene and i know to nail a five club shower is damn hard
not speaking about six, not speaking about staffs

i just recently saw you´re video were you (in nice words)
barley caught a 4staff flash

so i definitely have no need to watch the newest attempt
because i can really well imagine what its gonna be like

and to your pattern its (atleast how you described it )
NOT a six staff shower
its a multiplex combination in one direction

you can ( if done cleanly ) use such a combination to go in a " 6 staff shower "
but its not juggling and not the pattern you claimed it to be

my first post wasn´t meant to be offensive
but if you wanna get my points you will get that i couldn't
resist a bit of irony


'There are two mantras in life, yum and yuk. I choose yum.'

entheogenGOLD Member
173 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

love you to bastl
how hippie that sounds biggrin
just read your last post

you now what i meant, and if he thinks about it he will understand i guess

but come on
this sentence i nailed a 6 staff shower was screaming for a nice reply ubblol

and another thing .....
go to bad you spend too much time here
go save some money and move your ass to berlin

'There are two mantras in life, yum and yuk. I choose yum.'

glennerooprofessional loser
140 posts
Location: Wien

 Written by: bentstix

but come on
this sentence i nailed a 6 staff shower was screaming for a nice reply ubblol

haha josh is that you? That has to be you, your sick and twisted sense of humor pisses everyone off at first, it took me a long time to figure it out - tough love i think they call it wink

anyways, i'm gonna come to Bööörlin and show you how to juggle like a real man. First off, you need A LOT more chest hair, so you can give up now if you can't even rip your shirt off and light THAT on fire wink


bluecatgeek, level 1
5,300 posts
Location: everywhere

so, in anricipation of some josh abuse wink

i made myself some new sticks, and on monday (first play with them) got some nice tricks

some spinny - ones:
10 catches 4 staff fountain
a few rounds of 534 where meg was the other hand.. (this was wierd, but really nice, wish we had filmed)
1 up double pirouette

and loads of juggly ones, but my battery is about to go....

Holistic Spinner (I hope)

bastlGOLD Member
123 posts
Location: vienna / austria

ey josh,
i know very well what you mean, and your reply made me laugh out loud, cause it hits A point.

on the other hand side, i can understand JohnnyFettucini very good aswell, he trys to achieve something with large numbers of staff. he seem to be very enthusiastic, which is a necessary step if you wanna get really good one day. (with "really good" i mean being able to hold such patters for long times wink
after doing the training necessary to hold complex patterns long, latest than it´s understandable why you reacted so pissed off.
but i don´t really know JohnnyFettucini yet. so thats just my opinion, or atleast i was in similar situations about 2 years ago wink

right got o bed now again, to breed some money wink
see you soon hug (you bloody hippy ubblol)

+ glad i more into fishtales i don´t need glenneroos chest hair wink

_told the fishfable to wes peden
_heard gloria gaynors "i will survive" 3 times live the same 20 min performance!

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

I liked your post josh, i think you should keep coming back for noob bashing. I enjoy it, and I enjoy watching it. biggrin

I understand also what you mean bastl... but most sports coaches use uncritical praise just for toddlers and tiny kids, not for the adults. To keep someones motivation up with that sort of tactic, you have to wonder why they're juggling staffs in the first place.

Johnnyf: if I ask you can you 'do' a 6 staff shower, what is your reply? Yes, but only with my staffs, but only after 20 attempts, but in a different pattern to a 'normal' shower, but with a sloppy pattern and sloppy catches, but only as a flash. And I wonder why you need all those 'buts', why you are making excuses and why you can't just say 'No, I can't'.

If somebody asks me if I can drive, I don't say, yes, but I don't have a license, and it would be best if it was an automatic, and i've never tried on motorways and I would probably be slow and anxious and forget to indicate, but yeah I can drive. No I don't say that, I just say honestly: 'No, I can't drive'.

So I think if you understand what you're saying a bit better, you'd see why it was stupid.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

JohnnyFettuciniBRONZE Member
Mr Pasta
44 posts
Location: Sweden

bentstix I'm not in the least interested in picking a fight here.. When I said Nailed I meant Did it!
Succeeded in the pattern, made it work smile

I didn't say, "hey look at me I need a nice reply so everybody can love me". Just thought that this would be the place to tell some of my fellow staff juggling buddies about the possibilites and that some one actually has gone out and tried it.

MCP I understand clearly what I have said. But can you accept that you have misread?

Hope that this highly unesecary argument can stop before it gets way out of hand.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Nailed = Learnt it thoroughly, can repeat at will with audiance

Fluked = Pulled it off once/twice with no one looking, not entirely sure how wink



Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

well, misread you say? I know some things about juggling, not a lot of things, but I know this, to do a 6 object shower, you throw all of the objects one at a time out of one hand and catch them in the other hand, after the first hand has thrown it's 5th ball. (I don't know about the distribution of objects between your hands) Whether you have to pass all six back to the first hand for it to count as a flash is beyond me. Generally with a flash of a cascade pattern, certainly with low numbers like 6, you should catch the balls/clubs with the correct hands.

So by most standards of juggling, you didn't attempt a flash of a 6 staff shower, nor did you successfully complete a flash of whatever multiplex siteswap you were attempting.

Which is why I complained about you not knowing the meaning of the words you used, including the connotations of 'nailed'.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

bluecatgeek, level 1
5,300 posts
Location: everywhere

shut up meg - just cause you know juggling terminology doesn't mean you can abuse someone who doesn't. so irt wasn't technically a six staff shower. so what? its still nice to do a six-staff multiplex trick. yes, i agree 'nailed' has different meanings for differnet people, and i understand josh's reaction, but you have no cause for complaint just cause you know more words.

well done johnny. now go and nail it properly smile

Holistic Spinner (I hope)

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

yeah I know words like manipulate, and if I decide that is a close enough word to juggling, then I can juggle at least 16 staffs, with only two hands. hell, I can even throw them all and catch them again, in a kind of 8 object sync multiplex. So I guess I've flashed 16. And what's more, I'm going to go on the WJF forum and tell them that that. And then I'm going to expect them to be nice to me, and not give me abuse about my blatant lying. And when they do, I'll run away and cry on your shoulder mogcat.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

I flashed 2 balls once but got beaten up.

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

glennerooprofessional loser
140 posts
Location: Wien

geez such hostility! I thought such smack-talk was only possible in the pro-ball/club/circus-juggling scenes! You hippies need to really go out and bump, roll and huggle more fuzzies! Is all the love from festie-season already gone? Is this what happens every winter when you have to go indoors to juggle things - perhaps a result of surrounding neighbors getting bitchy (and/or involving authorities) that you're throwing things and making lots of noise? hehe biggrin

anyways..... i would say to clear up all this mix-up, Mister Pasta should post a little vid on YouTube so that everyone knows what he means by "nailed".


DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Wait...was anyone serious here? wink

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

glennerooprofessional loser
140 posts
Location: Wien

 Written by: Durbs

I flashed 2 balls once but got beaten up.

i hope she was at least cute wink


entheogenGOLD Member
173 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

isn´t it wonderful how the staff juggling thread has woken up

@ johnny (I didn't say, "hey look at me I need a nice reply so everybody can love me".)
what the bleep you wanted than

i still have no clue why you felt so offended
you got constructive criticism
you were the only one that got personal ... still cant find the sticks up my ass ... and i did search

@ meg
please don´t shut up !!!!
people might learn something
i think you can read pretty well (...misread nothing..)

and thx for keeping the promise biggrin

@ bastl
(..right got o bed now again, to breed some money
see you soon (you bloody hippy ...))

hurry up we have a pretty busy November, December
so it might be better to meet up in January
more time too catch up with the crazy juggling patterns that spread around...
wuaaha offtopic

@ glenn i´m serious intimidated by all of your chest hair coming to berlin

'There are two mantras in life, yum and yuk. I choose yum.'

bluecatgeek, level 1
5,300 posts
Location: everywhere

 Written by: bentstix

i still have no clue why you felt so offended
you got constructive criticism
you were the only one that got personal ...

if you go back and look you might see it's cause you took the piss unnecessarily, and before anything johnny wrote to you (even though his response was not too good either) - fine for me, and all the people who know you, but not so fine for someone who you should be encouraging. And there is absolutely no constructive criticism in the 20 posts above this one, i'm afraid. just lots of 'you idiot, you can't actually do what you said you could'. How is that constructive?

i'm surprisingly angry about this. shrug there are few enough good staff jugglers discussing technical stuff, so i don't see why several people want to be rude about somebody new who just posted that they learnt a new trick, and probably won't bother to post here anymore. 6 staff multiplex flash? no matter how it is done, its f@cking cool, and done once, i'd bet that it can be done again, and anyone who can do it can almost certainly do f@ck loads of other nice stuff. way to go guys. shrinking the community for positive effect! well done.

back to topic;
several borrowed club patterns tried yesterday, and occasionally succeeded, enough to make me think theyll be solid if i work on them:
423 (the 4 and 3 are both from a wall plane spun cascade) where the two is:
spun back over the shoulder like a nunchuck
neck rolled, horizontal
body rolled, fromt to back


Holistic Spinner (I hope)

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

 Written by: bluecat

no matter how it is done, its f@cking cool, and done once, i'd bet that it can be done again, and anyone who can do it can almost certainly do f@ck loads of other nice stuff. way to go guys. shrinking the community for positive effect! well done.

I don't believe that for a second. Isn't that exactly the irritation of the 'instant juggler' effect?

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

bluecatgeek, level 1
5,300 posts
Location: everywhere

for a very few, yes. but you shouldn't judge someone before you have found out a bit more. it lacks class and reflects more on the judger than the target.

Holistic Spinner (I hope)

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

I caught some burning sticks last night biggrin they were on fire (hence the burning bit) and it was dark wink and there were 4 of them. but there was 2 of me. so wasn't THAT good ubblol but hey staff passing with behind the back throws count eh tongue

I think the instant juggler effect only works with beginners doesn't it? if not.. can I order a few buckets full biggrin

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

 Written by: bluecat

for a very few, yes. but you shouldn't judge someone before you have found out a bit more. it lacks class and reflects more on the judger than the target.

Yup, but that's my stereotype of HOP I'm afraid. A lot of talk, and not much skill to back it up.

It's nice when they're an exception, but the stereotype is there for good reason.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

bluecatgeek, level 1
5,300 posts
Location: everywhere

ubblol @ lee

and at meg. feel free to have a stereotype, but give it a moment before it kicks in, would ya?

Holistic Spinner (I hope)

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

bad spelling / text speak / bad grammar / lack of punctuation - any of those almost makes it guaranteed the stereotype will kick in.

If you can't be bothered to take the time to write correctly, why should I believe they've taken the time to practise?

appearances = important. Even on the internet! eek

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

 Written by: mcp

appearances = important. Even on the internet! eek

but then by you and robs avatars meg you would both be a bit dull and I know you're really quite colourful hug

Oh and in an effort to backslide I have successfully turned the 3 staff cascade with behind the head flourishes into a very tidy double staff thowing pattern. works with 2 hands alternating or 1 hand alone... only 2 catches with 1 hand but thats a qualify isn't it? I mean both staffs end up in the same hand they started form tongue


A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

entheogenGOLD Member
173 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

 Written by: bluecat

 Written by: bentstix

i still have no clue why you felt so offended
you got constructive criticism
you were the only one that got personal ...

if you go back and look you might see it's cause you took the piss unnecessarily, and before anything johnny wrote to you (even though his response was not too good either) - fine for me, and all the people who know you, but not so fine for someone who you should be encouraging. And there is absolutely no constructive criticism in the 20 posts above this one, i'm afraid. just lots of 'you idiot, you can't actually do what you said you could'. How is that constructive?

i'm surprisingly angry about this. shrug there are few enough good staff jugglers discussing technical stuff, so i don't see why several people want to be rude about somebody new who just posted that they learnt a new trick, and probably won't bother to post here anymore. 6 staff multiplex flash? no matter how it is done, its f@cking cool, and done once, i'd bet that it can be done again, and anyone who can do it can almost certainly do f@ck loads of other nice stuff. way to go guys. shrinking the community for positive effect! well done.


its weired how its gotten so personal all of a sudden

if i read in order

johnny claims to have nailed a nearly impossible move

well afterwards he explains himself and i guess the biggest problem was the terminology
how he described it later was changing quite the pattern
i thought he meant the shower but he didn´t

then i wrote something similarly impossible
just to show how that sounds

then he got personal (
I don't see what a video of the damn thing is going to do when it clearly isn't appreciated, at least not by benstix who seems to have lost his staffs up his a** or something. It's sad dude this thread has gone to )

through then i was actually still very amused about the whole discussion

to your point Mr Cat
I REALLY don´t understand why a simple ironic comment, gonna stop somebody to post here

One of my biggest problem with this community is that we are not critical enough

and lots of people like to crawl each others balls

I have NO clue why i should write well done
for things like this

i don´t think it helps anyone( at least not in pushing the skill level), because it would make people think they´re cool enough... so why put effort in longer practice sessions
to really nail down something

i know you want to be pushing the same scene further
(in a different way tho)
but i think there is still some work to do.
by just waking people up

there is a reason why lots of jugglers look down on the spinning scene

criticism we gave him heaps
he now knows much more about the terminology
used in juggling

and that actually a 6 staff shower requires a lot more effort

back in the days i was also playing around with number multipexes (only 5 staffs tho) could hold it for like 2 rounds
its actually easy to flash but hard to continue
for me

because i cant really throw clean multiplex with out an extra spin
and that needs much more time , i have only six and a half meters in my training room biggrin
i hope that was constructive enough

i would say we can let the theme rest for now

i mean i´m German and sometimes i cant resist a bit of irony ubblol

'There are two mantras in life, yum and yuk. I choose yum.'

bluecatgeek, level 1
5,300 posts
Location: everywhere


now THAT was a good, constructive post hug


theme (like my 6 staff shower) is dropped.

Holistic Spinner (I hope)

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

 Written by: Mynci

 Written by: mcp

appearances = important. Even on the internet! eek

but then by you and robs avatars meg you would both be a bit dull and I know you're really quite colourful hug

ZOMG! I can't resist! By my avatar, I would be a russian hardcase facist about sticks... and rob would be some kid of cute demon cat.

In other words, completely accurate.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

true. but still very grey... although I think you would be a dyslexic hardcase facist... wink in complete opposition with you previous statement about spelling ubblol even your n is backwards.

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

pineapple peteSILVER Member
water based
5,125 posts
Location: melbourne, Australia

i managed to get a bit 3staff cascade running smothley the other day, as well as an asynchronous half shower.. next, i want a long armed mills mess smile

just gotta make my own staffs, instead of borrowing two of daves, and using whatever's laying about tongue


"you know there are no trophys for doing silly things in real life yeah pete?" said ant "you wont get a 'listened to ride of the valkyries all the way to vietnam' trophy"

*proud owner of the very cute fire_spinning_angel, birgit and neon shaolin*

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