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"i saw a video on youtube a long time ago, once i started getting into this. its some sort of staff dancing veriation where the people use the staffs to help them spinn and flip. they le..."
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"Hey there, if anyone is aware of a particular forum or site where I can find a current poi community in south africa I would very much appreciate it. Indeed if anyone erring this is in ..."
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Views: 2,756    Replies: 2
"if your anywhere near the charlotte area in usa, then gimme a shout cause im going to start spinning with anyone and everyone, even that dude on the side of the street! starting tonight..."
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Views: 37,205    Replies: 73
"ok so here is the deal, i run a small entertainment company in columbus ohio called PoiGlo. We specialize in performing Poi at other peoples parties. I am wanting to expand the business..."
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"I have all the parts to make a Contact Staff but need help with the honeycomb wicks. I only have 1 inch thick flat wick and dont want to have 4 pieces next to each other. Any help would..."
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Views: 6,262    Replies: 4
"Hey All, So last July a group of friends and I were invited to perform for a naturist resort, and I have to say, it was one of the most fun experiences of my life, and not just from a p..."
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Views: 2,289    Replies: 5
"Was just wondering if the ninja v3s have a warranty. i only had them for a week before the cole cord started to tear(about 2 weeks ago). i have been really gentle with them but i believ..."
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Views: 9,409    Replies: 11
"okay so heres da scoop... I'm going to be Fire Spinning *poi, staff and clubs* for the First Night Celebrations.. aka New Years Eve Bash... and I'm Required to make and wear a costume....."
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Views: 4,736    Replies: 1
"Just wondering what the best set up for fire poi would be? Is a paint can a good choice for refueling your fire poi? It seems a little bulky. What do your keep your fuel in? I was think..."
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"I have a saxophonist friend who wants to make her sax all glowy, wondered if there was any way to use any glow products to achieve this. any ideas???"
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Views: 7,681    Replies: 3
"anyone have any ideas? ive been playing with the past few hours and i havent gotten very far but the only thing i could think of making it work would be to take the regular atomic 3 bea..."
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"just a little vid of me spinning the ninja v3s. please like and comment!"
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"Hey we just shot a couple of new video's.One is Jessie (Promethean Jesters) using two 1000mm c3 glow staffs other is Vaughan Curtis Juggling..."
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Views: 2,603    Replies: 2
"Hello all I am wayne... Just moved out here from New Mexico and Im looking for some new people to spin some fire with.. Maybe start a troop or something... Drop me a line on myspace ht..."
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Views: 3,008    Replies: 2
"Hi there i'm Vamps, i'm in newcastle nsw atm and i'm wanting to know if there are any fire spinners on the Atherton tablelands??? i will be up in Atherton/cairns from about 7th June.i'd..."
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Views: 5,476    Replies: 8
"My mom gave me a set of Knitting hoops for a gift a while back. The hoops are the ones with pegs in them. You loop the yarn around the pegs and use a special hook to do the knitting wi..."
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Views: 3,205,124    Replies: 4,628
"Okay, this is simpleall you have to do is answer the question above you, then ask your own queston. I'll start.Why is poi so cool? "
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Views: 3,761    Replies: 3
"I have gotten several people together here in San Antonio Texas (right now 7 people, and growing just about every day) that are interested in learning Poi.We are all new to this (none o..."
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Views: 58,748    Replies: 178
"NE1 goin to the demo, itz gona b a biggun! stop the war coalition "
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Views: 2,993    Replies: 4
"Heylo!Some of you may remember from my introduction post that im a cowardly spinner and havent yet spun wiv flame........ STILL HASNT HAPPENED! arghAfter spending a week psyching myself..."
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Views: 4,911    Replies: 18
"Hey,If you have a spare 5 mins plse read the attached article.I'm shocked as everyone is about the horror of the events in New York - but am interested in people's opinions of the follo..."
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Views: 1,800,480    Replies: 9,975
"nope i retract taht statment for all of those of you who saw it you are lucky it was up for about 2 min lol"
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"okthere i was, all nicely cuddled up in my bed. Its 4 in the morning and i really should sleep but that documentary on first world war submarines is just too interesting to miss (yes im..."
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"If you had to buy the Queen of England a christmas present, what would it be and why?lets try and avoid the obvious: poi, staff, etcI think i would buy her a phat pair of Nike trainers ..."
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Views: 29,819    Replies: 71
"50 ways you know you experienced the 90's: 1) 10p Mr Frosty Ice Pops on long summer days! 2) Gordon the Gopher! 3) You could do or tried to do the Prodigy step. 'You're no good 4 me......."
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Views: 23,293    Replies: 56
"It's been kind of strange, but I’ve been running into firespinners WHEREEVER I go. Maybe I just have been hanging in different circles that I usually do, or staying up later. Or may..."
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Views: 222,367    Replies: 1,572
"Simple.One person suggests 5 things for the next person to name eg. 5 types of jam,the next responds with the answer and follows with the next suggestion.So...5 things that make you lau..."
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"I am a primary school teacher here in Myanmar. I'm also an avid poi spinner, buugeng manipulator, and juggler. If anyone plans to visit Myanmar in the next 2-4 years, I will be here and..."
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"Hey guys. Inspired by Ben Drexler's handedness poll on Drexfactor.comI decided to try my hand at writing up a psychological survey that attempts to isolate data on the flow-state as an ..."
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"Hi Guys,How are you doing? new here and would like to get to know some people also check out our website whenever you guys get the time, we are doing a free shipping deal currently so ..."
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"if you are a fire spinner on youtube and would like to trade some knoledge or just check out someone new i look forward to hearing from everyonecheers"
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"I just snatched this up on DB. It's an 11x9 LY Sparkling Lizzie, and I am in love!!!! It's a little big as I ideally wanted a 10x8, but at the price it was a steal. I'm thinking about s..."
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"Hey to all Poi-Lovers I spinn the Poi now since 5 month and this is my fist video. I'm on a trip through india, sri lanka and thailand. If someone of you is also in one of these countri..."
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"Hi.I'm new customer who is a beginner of poi.I have a coupon code but I don't know where put it.I placed order but there was no coupon form on the I cancelled them."
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"Hi Everyone! Are there any spin jams or fire festivals coming up in California or the Los Angeles area? Thanx Natalia The Dancing Fire Official Website Twitter @thedancingfire"
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"I must say i am getting damn tired of this American Ghetto slang. An I apologize to people in other countries that have to hear it used. So i want to start using some slang from other c..."
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"I am doing a five month long intensive fire spinning project. I am in desperate need of somebody to answer 11 interview questions about their experience with fire spinning. I would love..."
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"Hi peoplesI would like to have a fire poi (and breathing) performance at my next Heavy Metal show in Upper Hutt - Dec 1st 2012. Who is keen on showing their skillz?Love Jen"
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" I just thought I'd blow my own trumpet and say that I've decided to stop smoking. As of yesterday.Tis alright so far actually. If this thread doesn't disappear too quickly I mi..."
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"It's at this time of year lets face it we all end up watching Christmas television! And the Christmas movies are often the same ones each year, so for me, a certain film is a tradition ..."
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"So I have been spinning poi for a while now but never with music. I have a performance coming up this Halloween and was wondering if anyone had some good ideas for songs to spin to? An..."
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"hey allthere was an email going around alittle while ago and it gave me this idea.any ways its a game called in my pants, for those familliar cool and thoes not think of a name of a son..."
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"Seen a video of LED Buugeng and was interested in buying a pair. Notices HoP doesn't have any. Anyone know where to buy a pair of LED Buugeng or how you would go about making your own?"
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"Greetings, I'm a transplant from Texas very eager to get back into the fire spinning and poi scene. In texas poi and fire performers were very tribal and if I'm not mistaken are tribal..."
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"Hello HoP, how the deuce are you? Sorry I’ve been away so long, I had this whole other thing that kept me distracted, but I’m here now. What did I miss? How have you been? Did that..."
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"for all you bored people out there And I'm saving space by putting them all here rather than making six individual posts! football bloopers - a few of them make you go 'ouch' in sympat..."
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"I have just been watching "The Bank", a great Aussie drama which looks at the Australian and International Banking systems, and how to bring them down. It is a fantastic movie, however..."
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"They have the dance gymnastic events wil couples and the singles with the ball/ribbon/hoop. They have or are going to have ball room dancing. Thay have synchronized swimming for god's s..."
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"Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone can give me a few suggestions to help me with my stupidity. I have been noticing this trend recently where i get absolutely hammered (drunk) which is ..."
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